Sunday, April 27, 2008


As promised, here's the schooner blog.

A bit about me for those of you who don't know: My name is Ria, I'm twenty-something years old, and I cook for a living. I tend to be a bit of a wanderer, I'm always up for an adventure, and when I grow up, I hope to be a pirate. I spent the last few years in Austin, TX where I attended Texas Culinary Academy. For my externship, I called in a favor from an old friend of my parents who had once told me "if you ever want a gig cooking on a windjammer in Maine..." April 7th, I packed my cat and everything I own into my Saturn and drove north.

I should probably tell you at this point that the largest sefaring vessel I have ever helped operate is a canoe. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll also say that I'm about 20 pounds overweight, and while I'm pretty strong when it comes to lifting a stockpot or doing a hundred knee bends a night to reach into a low-boy, I couldn't do a pull-up to save my life.

So I went from working insane hours indoors, never seeing the sun, and going home to my cat and a couple absentee roommates to working insane hours outdoors in the sun and crashing out in a 2br apartment with 6 other schooner bums. I've got to say that so far it's a change for the better. (BTW, my cat is livin' large with my parents in southern Maine.)

With any luck, this blog will be an account of how one pudgy hash-slinger transformes into a skilled, knowledgable and fantastically fit sailor, learning many life lessons along the way. Or maybe it will end up being a comical tale of hubris and humble pie served up on a woodstove. Probably a little of both.


Melissa Fehr Trade said...

Followed your link from SA, I'm looking forward to hearing about the season and seeing some photos! Welcome to the boat blogging party, current occupancy: 7 (that I know of, anyway).


jomiel said...

(also followed link from SA)

Best of luck toward your new pirate life!

IsmilebecauseIhavenoideawhatsgoingon said...

hello, well written.